Thursday, July 24, 2008

The three hardest words to say...

Ï need help." Why is it so hard to admit that we have a problem with pornography? I've talked to a lot of ex-addicts, whether their addiction was prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, food, tv, etc, etc. They all tell me the same thing, that it would have been a lot harder to ask for help if they had been addicted to pornography.
I just got back from a trip to Ireland where I had the privilege of sharing my story. After one of the service I had a woman come up to me and tell me that my getting up to talk about my addiction to pornography was heroic. I thought, "Heroic? No, not me. I'm an ex-pornographer. That's not heroic." I've thought a lot about that conversation and, without sounding like I'm trying to pat myself on the back, she may have been closer to being right than I first assumed. It does take courage to admit that you've got a problem with pornography. Everytime I have somebody who comes to me and says they are having a problem, I can't tell you how proud that makes me for them because I understand what a HUGE step that was for them.
So, how about it, Superman? Ready to come out of your comfortable Clark Kent disguise of pornography? Ready to be a hero? Let me know.


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